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Flexible Work Arrangements - Balancing Productivity and Well-being

Written by workbuddy – Singapore’s flexible workspace specialists.

Flexible work arrangements allow employees to deviate from the standard 9 to 5 at the office, Monday to Friday schedule, giving them more choice over either their working hours or location or both. These arrangements differ from company to company, depending on the nature of work and what best suits the team. After the pandemic, flexible work arrangements have become more of an expectation than a perk.

There is no doubt that flexible work arrangements are beneficial to employees. Studies have shown that flexible work arrangements have contributed to employee satisfaction, morale and well-being. With more control over their own schedules, employees can better deal with their mental and physical health, reducing stress and avoiding burnout and absenteeism.

However, there is often some apprehension among business owners when it comes to offering flexible work arrangements due to the perceived risk of reduced productivity and the extra effort required to coordinate remote teams.

The good news is, research shows that flexible work arrangements are beneficial to the company, too.  Airtasker’s survey found that flexible workers actually work more than traditional office workers - an average of 1.4 more days a month more, in fact! Rather than decreasing, productivity often increases, as people have the freedom to work at their most focused time of day. Being able to invest more time in their personal lives often means employees will be more dedicated and productive in their professional lives too. Another point to note is that productivity is often correlated with happiness. One study showed that happy people work about 12% harder.

So how do you manage flexible work arrangements in a way that boosts employee well-being without reducing productivity?

  1. Set up the right software

There are now a wide range of software solutions designed to keep remote teams connected and productive. Slack, Zoom, Skype, Jira, Trello, Monday, Loomly, and the list goes on. Ensuring all company business is properly secured is also a priority. Research the tools properly and choose the ones that work best for the nature of work in your company. 

It’s also important to properly train your team in how to use these tools. For example, on Slack, using the right channels makes it easy to find information when needed and avoid unnecessary messages to irrelevant people. However, teams often find it hard to know which channel to use, when. Also, threads are important for keeping all information on a particular topic together so it’s easy to track.

  1. Ensure access to work spaces

The space where you work has a big impact on productivity. During the pandemic, people working from home found it difficult to focus if they didn’t have a dedicated work space. The equipment you use, the way you sit, the materials you need and the aesthetics of the space all have a direct impact on productivity. When implementing flexible work arrangements, some companies offer a budget for home office equipment, or offer their team on-demand access to a range of co-working spaces. Some redesign their offices into a more flexible layout to accommodate the varied schedules and needs of the team.

  1. Provide clear boundaries

When implementing flexible work arrangements, the lines between work and home can quickly become blurred. Therefore it’s important to draw clear boundaries between what is flexible and what is fixed. There may be different flexible allowances for different people, so it’s important to communicate those upfront. For example, if everyone is required to attend certain meetings in person, then this rule needs to be enforced consistently in order for it to work. Or perhaps all members are required to update their schedules on the company calendar a week in advance, for example.

It helps to have procedures written out for different scenarios including working from home, working from a co-working space/outside the office, working from the office, and all the different types of leave, etc. These procedures should include guidance on internet security, sharing files, work equipment and any communication requirements.

  1. Set clear expectations

Ensure every employee is clear about what is required of them when it comes to flexible work arrangements. For example, some companies require everyone to be at the office during “core hours” so it’s easier to arrange meetings, etc. Some companies require all members to have their video on during a Zoom call, to help them stay focused and connected. Others require a daily check-in with line managers when working from home. Whether big or small, all expectations must be communicated and complied with in order for flexible work arrangements to be implemented smoothly.

When allocating tasks or setting work goals, it’s important to have clear instructions and a deadline. It also helps to communicate how each project fits in with the wider company’s goals to boost motivation but also to help the employee understand the wider impact of not meeting the goal. When goals are not met, make sure to reflect, address any problems, and discuss what can be improved next time. 

Projects run much more smoothly when every team member is clear about what is expected of them.

  1. Build communication structures

The key to successful flexible work arrangements is communication. Everyone communicates differently and if they are working remotely or during different hours, communication is even more important. In fact, over-communication is recommended. 

Communication structures are guidelines for what to communicate to whom, when. For example, defining lines of communication for each project or task makes a big difference. Again, make expectations clear: should a mistake be communicated to a manager straight away or only after a fix has been attempted? What channel of communication should be used for what type of messages? Is it okay to send messages “out of hours”? How quickly are employees required to respond to messages?

These structures can help a project flow smoothly, no matter who is involved or when and where they work. For example, when a request is made by the manager for the team to perform a certain task, the request should be allocated to a specific person, include specific actions and a specific timeframe. Team members should then acknowledge when the task has been completed. 

These quick communication hacks help a group of disparate people work efficiently as a team. 

Since flexible work arrangements are now becoming the norm, there is a proliferation of best practices out there to follow. We hope this information has been helpful. If you’d like a free consultation on how to adopt more flexibility for your company, reach out to workbuddy who can help you find flexible office space and co-working solutions for your team. 


Nicky Minh

CTO and co-founder

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How to Start Selling on Carousell Singapore

Carousell is a popular e-commerce platform in Singapore known for its simple, user-friendly interface and its diverse range of products and categories. In this article, we'll provide a step-by-step guide on how to start selling on Carousell Singapore.

Step 1: Sign up and create a Carousell account

The first step to start selling on Carousell Singapore is to sign up and create a Carousell account. You can do this by downloading the Carousell app from the App Store or Google Play, or by visiting the Carousell website and clicking on "Join".

To create a Carousell account, you'll need to provide your name, email address, and phone number. You'll also need to create a username and password, which you'll use to log in to your account.

Step 2: Set up your profile and preferences

Your profile is the public-facing part of your account. It includes your name, bio, and profile picture. Your preferences control how you use and interact with Carousell. These include notification preferences, privacy settings, and language preference. You can edit your preferences by clicking on the "Edit" button on your profile page, and selecting the "Preferences" tab.

Step 3: List your first product

To list a product on Carousell:

  • Click on the "Sell" button on the home page
  • Select a category and subcategory for your product
  • Enter a title, description, and price for your product
  • Upload at least one high-quality and relevant image for your product
  • Set the condition of your product (new or pre-loved)
  • Choose a location for your product (city or neighborhood)

It's important to be accurate, concise, and clear in your product listing. Use good grammar and make sure your spelling is correct. You should also include as much detail as possible so that your customers know what to expect. Informed customers are more likely to make purchases than those who are left unsure about whether a product will meet their needs.

Step 4: Communicate and negotiate with buyers

When you receive an offer or inquiry from a buyer, you can reply to it by clicking on the "Chat" button on your product page. You can use the chat function to exchange messages, ask and answer questions, and discuss the details of the transaction.

You can also negotiate the price and terms of the transaction with the buyer by making counteroffers or proposing alternative solutions. It's important to be fair, reasonable, and respectful in your negotiations. When negotiation try to find a mutually acceptable agreement.

Step 5: Ship or deliver your product

You can choose to ship your product using a shipping service such as SingPost, or you can opt for a meet-up or self-collection arrangement.

If you choose to ship your product, you'll need to package it securely to prevent damages. Make sure that the package is properly labeled and that you can track the shipping status and provide updates to the buyer as needed once it has shipped.

If you choose a meet-up or self-collection arrangement, you'll need to agree on a time and location with the buyer. Be punctual and prepared for the exchange.

Tips for successfully selling on Carousell

  • Use high-quality, accurate images: Use clear, well-lit, and detailed images to showcase your products and their features.
  • Use descriptive and catchy titles: An eye catching titles and descriptions can grab the attention of buyers.
  • Price competitively: Research and compare similar products on Carousell and other platforms. Price your products competitively to attract buyers.
  • Respond promptly: Respond to inquiries and offers as soon as possible. A quick response time shows buyers that you are reliable and interested in their business.
  • Build trust and reputation: Provide accurate and honest information, and delivering high-quality products and excellent customer service. Do this reliably and you will retain customers as well as inspire new ones as a result of the positive feedback you will receive from satisfied customers.
  • Use best practices: Follow Carousell's community guidelines and best practices. Be respectful and professional in all your interactions.

Selling on Carousell Singapore is a simple and convenient way to grow your business. Just remember that it if you want to use this platform long-term it will need your continued attention. You will need to adapt and evolve as your business grows and changes. By following the steps and tips outlined in this guide, you can create a successful and sustainable business on Carousell Singapore.

Nicky Minh

CTO and co-founder

Singapore's Corporate Tax Rate & System Explained

Singapore has a competitive corporate tax system known for its low rates, simplicity, and stability. In this article we provide an overview of Singapore's corporate tax rate and its tax system in addition to how it the advantages these offer to companies incorporating in Singapore.

Corporate Tax Rate

Singapore's corporate tax rate is 17%, one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world. Applied to the taxable income of companies and businesses, it is calculated based on the profit or loss of the company for a given year.

The corporate tax rate in Singapore is a flat rate, which means that it applies to all companies and businesses, regardless of their size, industry, or location. There are no progressive tax rates or tax brackets in Singapore.

In addition to the corporate tax rate, companies in Singapore may also be subject to other taxes, such as:

  • Withholding tax: A tax on certain payments made by companies to non-residents. For example, dividends, royalties, and interest payments.
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST): A value-added tax on the supply of goods and services in Singapore, at a rate of 7%.
  • Property tax: A tax on the ownership and use of property in Singapore, based on the annual value of the property.
  • Stamp duty: A tax on certain documents and transactions, such as the sale of property and shares.

Corporate Tax System

Singapore's corporate tax system is characterized by its simplicity, transparency, and predictability. Important features of Singapore’s tax system include:

  • Laws and regulations: The corporate tax system in Singapore is governed by the Income Tax Act and related regulations and guidelines. These provide the rules and requirements for companies and businesses to calculate and pay their taxes.
  • Filing and payment requirements: Companies in Singapore are required to file their tax returns and pay their taxes by the specified due date. This is usually within three months of the end of the financial year. Companies can file their returns and make payments electronically, using the e-Filing and e-Payment systems of the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS).
  • Assessments and appeals: The IRAS is responsible for assessing the tax returns and payments of companies in Singapore and issuing tax notices or assessments as needed. Companies have the right to appeal their tax assessments if they disagree with the IRAS's decision or calculations.

Advantages of Singapore’s Tax System

  • Low rate: 17% is one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world and it is lower than the average corporate tax rate of 22.5% in the OECD countries.
  • Flat rate: Singapore's corporate tax rate applies equally to all companies. It does not discriminate based on size, industry, or location.
  • Simplicity and transparency: Simple, transparent, and easy to understand, Singapore’s corporate tax system has clear laws and guidelines and efficient filing and payment systems.
  • Stability and predictability: Over the years, Singapore's corporate tax system has had minimal changes and disruptions and a strong commitment to international tax standards and cooperation.

Final Thoughts

Corporate tax rates just one aspect of a tax system. Before incorporating in Singapore companies should consider other factors, such as personal tax, consumption tax, social security contributions, and exchange rates. Infrastructure, availability of skilled labor, market access, and quality of life are also important factors to take into consideration when choosing a location for a business.

Singapore's competitive corporate tax rate and stable system offer a favorable environment for companies and businesses to operate and grow. A low corporate tax rate, a flat rate across industries, a simple and transparent system, and a stable and predictable environment make it an ideal location for multinational corporations, start-ups, and small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Nicky Minh

CTO and co-founder

How to Start Selling Online in Singapore

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How to Start Selling Online in Singapore

Making online sales in Singapore is a great way to grow your business. It requires careful planning, strategy, and execution, but by following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a strong foundation for your online business and increase your chances of success. In this article, we'll provide a simple, step-by-step guide on how to start selling online in Singapore.

Step 1: Define your business model and target market

Your business model is how you structure your business to generate revenue and profit from your products and/or services. In order to define your business model you will need to make decisions regarding your business’s pricing, margins, volume, and value proposition.

Your target market is the unique group of customers that you want to sell to. Factors used to define what makes your customer base unique can include things like demographics, interests, needs, and preferences. Identifying your target market is crucial. You need to tailor your products, marketing, and customer service practices to their specific needs and expectations.

Step 2: Choose a niche and product offerings

Your niche will be a specific segment of the market that you want to focus on. This will be based on demand, competition, and product differentiation. Choosing a niche will help you stand out; your business will be offering your customers something different than what your competitors offer.

Product offerings are the products or services you want to sell to your customers. Choose your products based on demand, value, and potential profits. It's important to carefully research and validate your product ideas before launching them. Your products need to be viable and to meet the needs and expectations of your target market.

Step 3: Select an e-commerce platform

E-commerce platforms are services that allows you to create, manage, and sell products online. There are many e-commerce platforms available, and each one has its own unique features, benefits, and drawbacks.

Popular e-commerce platforms for small businesses in Singapore include Shopify, Lazada, Qoo10, and Amazon. Carefully evaluate your needs and goals before selecting an e-commerce platform. Consider factors such as pricing, scalability, integrations, and customer support.

Step 4: Design and build your e-commerce store

This step requires creating a visually appealing and user-friendly experience that showcases your products and brand. Make sure the interface is intuitive and guides your customers through the purchasing process.

Some key considerations for designing and building your e-commerce store include:

  • User experience (UX): Make sure your online store is easy to navigate and mobile-friendly. Provide a seamless experience for your customers.
  • Branding: Use consistent branding elements such as colors, fonts, and imagery to establish and reinforce your brand identity.
  • Product pages: Create detailed and engaging product pages that showcase your products’ features, benefits, and unique specifications.
  • Shopping cart: Implement a shopping cart feature that allows customers to add, remove, and view their selected products before proceeding to checkout.
  • Checkout process: Streamline and simplify the checkout process by reducing the number of steps and fields. Offer a variety of payment and shipping options.

Step 5: Promote and market your e-commerce store

Once you set up your e-commerce store, promote and market it. Your next goal is to attract and retain customers. Methods for doing so include:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): Optimize your website and its content for relevant keywords and phrases to improve your ranking and visibility in search engine results.
  • Social media marketing: Use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote your products and engage with customers.
  • Email marketing: Use email marketing to send newsletters, updates, and promotional offers to your subscribers.
  • Influencer marketing: Partner with influencers or bloggers working within your niche to promote your products and reach a larger audience.
  • Advertising: Use paid advertising platforms such as Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads to reach a targeted and relevant audience.

It's important to test and measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Use tools like Google Analytics and direct customer feedback to identify opportunities for improvement.

Step 6: Provide excellent customer service

Excellent customer service creates a positive and memorable experience for your customers. It will help you build loyalty and trust in your brand and to retain and grow your customer base. Be sure to provide support and assistance to customers before, during, and after they make purchases. This can include answering questions, solving problems, and handling complaints.

Some key considerations for providing excellent customer service include:

  • Availability: Respond to customer inquiries and requests in a timely and efficient manner.
  • Professionalism: Use polite and professional language. Be respectful and helpful in all interactions with customers.
  • Empathy: Show understanding and empathy towards customers with needs and concerns. Make every effort to resolve issues in a satisfactory manner.
  • Follow-up: Follow up with customers after a purchase to ensure satisfaction and gather feedback.

Final Thoughts

Remember, building and running an online business is a continuous process, and you will need to adapt and evolve as your business grows and changes. By staying focused, determined, and open minded, you can create a successful and sustainable online business in Singapore.

Nicky Minh

CTO and co-founder

Explained: Double Taxation Between Singapore & Malaysia

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Explained: Double Taxation Between Singapore & Malaysia

Singapore and Malaysia are neighboring countries in Southeast Asia with close economic, cultural, and social ties. To avoid double taxation and to promote cross-border trade and investment, Singapore and Malaysia signed a Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) in October of 2004. As a business operating in Singapore, here’s what you need to know about the DTA:

The DTA Between Singapore and Malaysia

A Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) is an international treaty signed between two or more countries to avoid double taxation. Double taxation occurs when the same income or profits are taxed by two or more countries, resulting in a higher tax burden for the taxpayer.

The DTA between Singapore and Malaysia is a bilateral treaty signed between the two countries to avoid double taxation and to prevent fiscal evasion. The DTA covers various types of income and profits including: business profits, dividends, interest, royalties, and capital gains.

The DTA between Singapore and Malaysia:

  • Sets out rules and provisions regarding the allocation of tax jurisdictions
  • Delineates what tax relief is available between the two countries
  • Aids in resolving tax disputes
  • Inhibits double taxation.
  • Specifies the tax rates and exemptions for each type of income or profit.
  • Provides for the exchange of information between the tax authorities of Singapore and tax authorities of Malaysia, allowing them to enforce the DTA and prevent tax evasion.

Benefits of the DTA

The DTA between Singapore and Malaysia provides several benefits to taxpayers and businesses in both countries. Some benefits of the DTA are:

  • Reduced tax burden: Taxpayers and businesses based in Singapore and Malaysia can claim tax credits or exemptions for taxes paid in the other country, reducing their overall tax burden.
  • Enhanced cross-border trade and investment: Eliminating double taxation and providing a stable and predictable tax environment encourages cross-border trade and investment between Singapore and Malaysia.
  • Improved tax compliance: The DTA promotes compliance by reducing both tax barriers and incentives for tax evasion. Providing channels for the exchange of information between tax authorities of both nations also helps reduce evasion.

How to Claim Tax Relief Under the DTA Between Singapore and Malaysia

To claim tax relief under the DTA between Singapore and Malaysia, you first need to meet the eligibility criteria and requirements set out in the DTA. Here's how:

  • Determine your tax residence: Your tax residence needs to be in Singapore or Malaysia. This will be based on your domicile, permanent home, or center of vital interests.
  • Identify the type of income or profit: Types of income and profit covered by the DTA include business profits, dividends, interest, royalties, and capital gains.
  • Calculate your tax liability: Your tax liability in Singapore or Malaysia will be based on the tax rates and exemptions specified in the DTA.
  • Prepare the necessary documents: These may include tax returns, tax assessment notices, and other evidence that can be used to support your claim for tax relief.
  • Submit your claim for tax relief: You need to submit your claim to the tax authorities of Singapore or Malaysia. This can be done either through the self-assessment system or by filing a tax return.

The DTA between Singapore and Malaysia avoids double taxation and promotes cross-border trade and investment between the two countries. It covers various types of income and profits and helps tax authorities in both countries better work together and exchange information. Businesses with operations in both Singapore and Malaysia directly benefit from this agreement.

Nicky Minh

CTO and co-founder

A Guide to Selling on Amazon Singapore

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A Guide to Selling on Amazon Singapore

Amazon is the world's largest e-commerce platform, offering a wide range of products and services to consumers and businesses. If you're thinking of becoming a seller on Amazon Singapore, here is a guide to help make your products stand out.

Step 1: Choose Your Niche and Product

Before you can sell on Amazon you need to a product to sell, and you need to understand the niche that it will fill. Begin by identifying the market demand for your product and researching its competition. Determine how your product can fulfill your business goals and vision. The following steps can help you develop your product and find its niche:

  • Research: Analyze the relevant market trends, consumer needs, and industry insights
  • Identify the opportunity gap: Determine how your product adds value to the market
  • Evaluate the competition: Differentiate and position your product within the larger market
  • Define your target audience: Compose a list of key traits that describe the customer profile for your product highlighting their preferences and behaviors.
  • Develop your marketing strategy: Determine the pricing for your product, establish your brand, and lay out the methods you will use to promote it. Remember to align your brand and marketing with your business goals and your vision.

Finally, in order to sell on Amazon Singapore you need to verify that your product is not one of the products prohibited by Amazon, and whether your product requires special permissions.

Step 2: Set Up Your Amazon Account

To sell Amazon Singapore you will need to create a seller account. Here's how to do it:

  • On the Amazon website click on the "Your Seller Account" option that appears under the sign in ‘Accounts & Lists’ drop-down menu item.
  • Decide whether to sell locally in Singapore or globally. After choosing one of these two options, follow the prompts to create your seller account. Seller accounts require personal and business information, such as your name, contact details, and payment methods.
  • Agree to the Amazon terms and conditions and pay the seller fees.
  • Following the registration process, you will receive a confirmation email with your login details.

Step 3: Set Up Your Product Listings

To sell your products on Amazon Singapore, you need to create product listings for each of your products. A product listing is a page on Amazon that provides the product details, images, and customer reviews to the shoppers. To create product listings on Amazon:

  • Log in to your seller account and click on the "Inventory" tab.
  • Click on the "Add a Product" button and follow the prompts to create your product listing.
  • Provide product details including: title, description, images, category, and price.
  • Specify product attributes, such as the size, color, and model, and the stock availability.
  • Set up product options. These include shipping method, delivery time, and return policy.
  • Amazon listing tools, such as the product bulk upload tool, can be used to add multiple products and listings at once.

Step 4: Promote Your Products and Store

To increase your sales and visibility on Amazon Singapore, you need to promote your products and store. Ways for doing so include:

  • Use high-quality and attractive images: Showcase your products to make them stand out.
  • Use keywords and tags: Including keywords in product titles and descriptions improves your search ranking and visibility.
  • Be competitive: Offer competitive prices and discounts to attract buyers and stand out from the competition.
  • Offer excellent customer service and support: fast and reliable shipping, returns and exchanges, and open communication with your customers increases your chance of repeat customers and better customer ratings.
  • Use Amazon marketing tools: Amazon’s Sponsored Products, Amazon Advertising, and Amazon Influencer Program, can all help you reach a wider audience and increase your sales.

Step 5: Monitor and Analyze Your Sales and Performance

Once you start making sales on Amazon Singapore, you will want to monitor and analyze the data and metrics associated with these sales. Amazon provides a variety of tools and reports to help you understand your sales performance; using them can help you to identify opportunities and challenges. These tools are found under the “Reports” tab of your seller account. Here are some of the features they provide:

  • Reports covering time periods of a single day, a week, a month, or a year
  • Filters available for products, categories, or customers
  • Easily accessible order details. These include order numbers, dates, quantities, prices, and payment statuses.
  • Reports on sales trends, customer insights, and conversion rates are all available with Amazon’s analytics tools. Use these to make informed decisions about how to proceed when selling on Amazon.
  • Feedback and review tools, like seller feedback and product reviews, provide a clear understanding of customer satisfaction and experiences. These can give you direct insight into how your customers feel about your products and ways to improve.

Final Thoughts

Amazon Singapore is a popular and lucrative e-commerce platform, offering a wide range of products and services to consumers and businesses. To successfully sell on Amazon Singapore you need to choose your niche, develop your product and set it up on Amazon so that your products’ pages are attractive and contain relative key words. Keeping track of the sales performance on Amazon over time will let you adapt to the demands of your target audience, and help increase sales for your e-commerce business on a platform that reaches a wide audience.

Nicky Minh

CTO and co-founder

2023 GST Rate Increase: Preparing Your Business

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2023 GST Rate Increase: Preparing Your Business

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a broad-based tax that is applied to most goods and services in Singapore. Beginning in 2024, the government of Singapore will increase the GST rate from its current rate of 8% to 9%; the revenue generated from this increase is slated to be used on infrastructure and social services.

This increase will have an impact on businesses of all sizes, so it's important to start planning and preparing for the change now.

Expected Impacts of the GST Rate Increase

The government has stated that the GST rate increase will not affect essential goods and services such as healthcare and education. It will, however, apply to most other goods and services including food, clothing, and transportation. The GST rate increase will also affect imported goods, potentially leading to higher prices for imported goods and directly impacting those businesses that rely on imports.

Consumers can expect general price increases across the board for goods and services. Increased costs at the consumer level may lead to reduced demand for some products and services, leading to a loss of sales for businesses.

Businesses can also expect higher costs from the GST rate increase as purchases made from suppliers and vendors will also be impacted by this increase. Businesses registered for the GST will have the added burden of charging their customers the new higher rate, which could lead to some pushback or negative reactions.

To minimize the potential negative impacts of this increased rate, you should begin preparing your company for the necessary increases this increase will have on its operations and finances. This may involve reviewing pricing, sourcing, and other cost-saving measures to ensure the business remains competitive and profitable.

Preparing for the GST Rate Increase:

  • Review your pricing strategy: The GST rate increase will likely result in higher prices for goods and services in Singapore. Consider whether you should absorb the additional cost of the GST rate increase or pass it on to your customers. Whether your customers are also registered as GST businesses will most likely impact this decision, so communicating with them is recommended. Keep in mind that if you decide to pass on the cost to your customers, it is crucial to communicate this clearly and transparently to maintain customer trust and loyalty.
  • Update your systems: The GST rate hike will require you to update your accounting and billing systems to reflect the new rate. Make sure to budget for any necessary updates and allocate resources to implement them in a timely manner. Make sure your systems are up-to-date and accurate to avoid any mistakes or errors, correcting such errors later would be more expensive than the extra cost of preventing them in the first place.
  • Communicate with your customers: Keep your customers informed about the GST rate hike and how it will affect your business. Consider issuing a press release or sending out a newsletter to let them know about the changes. This will ensure that your customers are aware of the impact it will have on your business and that they can make informed decisions about their purchases.
  • Review your contracts: The GST rate hike may have an impact on your existing contracts with suppliers and customers. Review your contracts to determine this is the case. If you have long-term contracts in place, it may be necessary to renegotiate terms to ensure that both parties are protected from changes caused by the GST rate hike.
  • Seek professional advice: If you have any concerns about how the GST rate hike will affect your business, seek the advice of a professional accountant or tax consultant. Professional services can provide valuable guidance and recommendations to help you prepare for the GST rate increase. A professional can also help you to identify any potential tax savings or opportunities that may arise as a result of the GST rate hike.
  • Assess the impact on your business: This may involve conducting a thorough review of your operations, including your pricing strategy, contracts, and systems. By understanding the full impact of the GST rate hike, you can take steps to mitigate any negative effects and position your business for success.
  • Plan for the future: It is important to look beyond the immediate effects of the GST rate hike. This may involve identifying new growth opportunities, diversifying your revenue streams, or implementing cost-saving measures. Thinking ahead will ensure that your business is well-positioned to navigate the changes and thrive in the new economic environment.

In addition to taking the steps outlined above, you should also keep in mind areas that will need your ongoing attention during the early part of 2024. Key areas that deserve focus following the increase include:

  • Managing costs: Identify ways to reduce costs and improve efficiency. This may involve streamlining your operations, negotiating better terms with suppliers, or investing in technology that helps to automate processes. By finding ways to control costs, you can help to offset the impact of the GST rate hike and maintain your competitive edge.
  • Monitoring cash flow: The GST rate hike may affect your company's cash flow, for example, by necessitating changes to your pricing strategy or impacting the nature of existing contracts. Monitor your cash flow closely and make sure that your business has sufficient liquidity to meet its financial obligations. This may involve reviewing your financing options, for example, implementing invoice financing, taking out a business loan, or finding ways to improve your cash conversion cycle.
  • Staying up-to-date with GST developments: Stay informed about all new GST developments so that your business is prepared for any new changes. Being ready for the next GST rate hike will allow you to position your business for long-term success.

The increase to the GST rate in Singapore will be a significant change that will impact businesses of all sizes. By taking the necessary steps to prepare, and keeping in mind potential long-term effects of the hike, you can minimize any negative effects. While the GST rate hike may present some challenges, it is also a chance for businesses to review their operations and identify areas for improvement. By adopting a proactive approach, you can turn the GST rate hike into a positive opportunity for their business.

Nicky Minh

CTO and co-founder

Using Gross Profit Margin to Grow Your Business

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vc e-commerce trends in 2023

Using Gross Profit Margin to Grow Your Business

Gross profit margin is a financial metric used to measure the profitability of a business. It is calculated based on a company’s cost of goods sold (COGS) and revenue. Other expenses such as operating expenses, taxes, and interest, are excluded when calculating it. Gross profit margin is important for businesses to track because it helps to identify opportunities for increasing efficiency and for reducing costs. Below we discuss how to calculate it and how you can use it to make better decisions about your business operations.

Calculating gross profit margin

To calculate gross profit margin, you need to know your business’s total revenue and COGS. Total revenue is all money generated from your business’s sales of goods or services. COGS is the sum of all costs directly incurred when producing and selling those goods or services. For example, the cost of raw materials and the cost of labor. Performing this calculation is simple: subtract your COGS from total revenue,divide the result by your total revenue, multiply by 100. The resulting number is expressed as a percentage.

As an example, suppose a business has total revenue of $100,000 and COGS of $60,000. After applying the following calculation, we arrive at a forty percent:

100,000 - 60,000 = 40,000
40,000 / 100,000 = 0.4
4 x 100 = 40

This can be a useful metric for businesses to track because it provides a snapshot of how well a company generates profit from its operations. Comparing your gross profit margin to industry benchmarks, or to your own performance over time, will help you to see areas where you can improve efficiency and increase profits.

Using gross profit margin to make better business decisions

  • Identify ways to reduce costs: A low gross profit margin is a sign that your business should look for ways to reduce COGS. Consider negotiating better prices for materials, streamlining production process, or finding more efficient ways to use labor.
  • Track your business’s performance: Keep track of your gross profit over time and compare it to industry benchmarks. Doing this allows you to identify trends and patterns regarding profit, and to make adjustments to your operations as needed. If your figures are consistently lower than the industry average, consider changing your pricing strategy, expanding your product line, or finding new ways to differentiate yourself from your competitors.
  • Make strategic decisions about operations: When considering whether to expand into a new market or launch a new product, consider the potential impact on your gross profit margin. This will allow you to make informed decisions about the potential profitability of these initiatives and how to allocate your resources accordingly.
  • Analyze the financial performance of your competitors: Comparing the gross profit margins of different businesses within your industry will provide a sense of which companies are the most efficient and profitable. Use this information to inform your own strategic decisions.

Keeping track of your gross profit margin can help you to understand the profitability of your operations, to identify ways to improve efficiency, and to make better decisions about future growth. Tracking and analyzing it will give you valuable insights into your performance so that you can take steps to increase profits and grow your business.

Nicky Minh

CTO and co-founder

Responsibilities of a GST Registered Company

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Responsibilities of a GST Registered Company

Singapore’s Goods and Service Tax (GST) requires registration from a few different business types which either operate in Singapore or conduct business with Singapore residents. Those required to file for the GST are primarily businesses operating in Singapore with a taxable turnover exceeding 1 million SGD, or those offering digital or non-digital imported goods or services to Singapore residents. Additionally, some businesses may register voluntarily for this tax as there are potential benefits when conducting transactions with other businesses that have also registered with the GST.

As a GST-registered company, failure to comply with the GST can result in penalties or fines, so it is important for you to understand and fulfill the responsibilities required of you by the GST system. Below, we outline some of the key responsibilities GST-registered companies have.

Charging GST on taxable supplies:

As a GST-registered company you are required to charge GST on taxable supplies of goods and services. Supplies subject to the GST include most goods and services sold in Singapore, however, there are some exceptions (e.g., financial services and residential properties). These supplies and services are subject to a standard rate of 8%.

When conducting transactions that include a GST charge, display your GST registration number on those invoices and receipts and make sure the amount of GST charged is clearly stated.

Collecting GST on behalf of the government:

GST charged to customers needs to be collected and retained so that it can be paid to the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). Payments need to be made on a regular basis; this is typically once every three months. The amount paid will be dependent on the volume of your GST transactions.

Keep accurate records of your GST transactions and have sufficient funds available to pay the GST when it is due.

Claiming input tax credits:

GST-registered companies are entitled to input tax credits which they can claim for GST paid on business related purchases and expenses. You can claim GST paid on these expenses as a credit against the GST that you have collected from your customers.

To claim input tax credits, you will need to keep accurate records of your GST transactions. Retain valid tax invoices and receipts for all purchases made for your business.

Filing GST returns:

GST returns are used to report your GST transactions to the IRAS. These reports include the GST collected from your customers and the input tax credits claimed for your business purchases and expenses.

You will need to file GST returns regularly. You can do so online through the IRAS e-Service portal or by filling out a hard copy of the GST return form and submitting it by mail, or in person, to an IRAS service center.

Keeping accurate records:

You are required to keep accurate records of your GST transactions. This includes invoices, receipts, and other documents related to your taxable supplies and business purchases. Accurate records are necessary for claiming input tax credits, filing GST returns, and demonstrating compliance with the GST system. You are required to keep these records for a minimum of five years.

Additional responsibilities:

Depending on your specific circumstances, you may have further responsibilities as a GST-registered business in addition to those listed above.

For example, GST-registered companies that import goods into Singapore need to apply for import permits and pay GST on those goods. Similarly, GST-registered companies that supply digital or non-digital services to consumers in Singapore need to register for and charge GST on these supplies under the Overseas Vendor Registration (OVR) scheme.

Final Thoughts

As a GST registered company, you need to be aware of the various rules and regulations that apply to the GST system in Singapore. This includes the requirements for charging, collecting, and paying GST, as well as the rules for claiming input tax credits and filing GST returns. To ensure compliance with these rules and regulations, we recommend consulting with a tax professional and reviewing the information provided on the IRAS website.

Non-compliance with the GST system can result in penalties or fines, so it is important to take your responsibilities seriously and fulfill them properly. Be careful to charge the correct GST rate on your taxable supplies, to accurately report your GST transactions when filing returns, and to keep accurate records of your GST transactions.

Nicky Minh

CTO and co-founder

Registering Your Business for GST

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Guide to Register Your Business for GST

Businesses in Singapore with annual taxable supplies exceeding SGD 1 million are required to register for the Goods and Services Tax (GST). Businesses registered for the GST charge this tax on all goods and services sold in Singapore.

Below is a step-by-step guide for businesses that need to register for the GST:

Step 1: Determine whether you should register for the GST:

Whether or not your business is required to register for the GST depends on two factors:

  1. Annual taxable supplies – businesses whose annual taxable goods and supplies exceed SGD 1 million are required to register for the GST
  2. Type of business – some businesses, such as financial institutions and insurance companies, are required to register for GST regardless of their annual taxable supplies.

Even if your business is not required to register for the GST, you still have the option to register voluntarily. Before doing so, be sure that your company is qualified for this type of registration. Carefully consider the costs and benefits of voluntary GST registration specific to your business. When weighing cost and benefit, consider:

  • Additional administrative costs: Registering for the GST will entail additional costs associated with collecting, filing, and paying GST.
  • Whether your suppliers have registered with GST: This will give you the opportunity to claim input tax on purchases made from your suppliers.
  • Whether your customers have registered with GST: GST customers are more likely to accept a price increase as they will have the ability to claim input tax themselves.
  • International sales: Qualifying international sales incur 0% GST. Depending on the type and volume of international sales made by your company, you may see a reduction in GST costs while retaining the benefits you gain from transactions with GST suppliers.

Step 2: Register for the GST

To register for GST, you need to file electronically using the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) tax portal. The IRAS tax portal allows you to register for the GST, file returns, and make payments online. When registering for the GST you will need:

  • A Corppass account: If you do not have one, you can apply for one online using your Singpass account on the Corppass website.
  • Supporting Documents: IRAS recommends that any required supporting documents are prepared before beginning the registration process.

Following registration, voluntary GST accounts are required to mail a GIRO application form to IRAS. Your GIRO account will be used for GST payments and refunds.

Step 3: Submit supporting documents

The final step of online registration will require you to submit supporting documents to the IRAS. These may include:

  • Business registration certificate
  • Business profile
  • Partnership agreement (if applicable)
  • Constitution or articles of association (if applicable)
  • Certificate of incorporation (if applicable)
  • Partnership deed (if applicable)
  • Trust deed (if applicable)

The documents required will depend on the type of business you are registering. IRAS provides a detailed list which should be consulted prior to beginning the registration process. Once again, it is advisable to have these documents prepared in advance.

Step 4: Receive confirmation of GST registration

After you have submitted the required documents, the IRAS will review your application and confirm your GST registration. You will then receive a letter of confirmation from the IRAS, which will include your GST registration number and effective date of registration.

Step 5: File GST returns

Once you are registered for GST, you will be required to file GST returns on a regular basis. The frequency of GST returns will depend on your annual taxable supplies. If your annual taxable supplies exceed SGD 1 million, you are required to file GST returns on a quarterly basis. If your annual taxable supplies are SGD 1 million or less, you are required to file GST returns on an annual basis.

You can file GST returns through the ESB platform, or you can use the IRAS GST e-Filing service. When filing GST returns, you need to declare the following information:

  • Total value of taxable supplies made
  • Total value of taxable supplies received
  • GST charged on taxable supplies made
  • GST claimed on taxable supplies received

Step 6: Make GST payments

If you are registered for GST, you are required to pay GST on your taxable supplies. You can make GST payments through the ESB platform or the IRAS GST e-Filing service.

Additional Considerations

Non-compliance with the GST system can result in penalties or fines. It is important to make sure you are fulfilling your tax obligations properly. Be sure to charge the correct GST rate on your taxable supplies, accurately report your transactions, and make payments on time.

Keep accurate and up-to-date records of your GST transactions. This includes invoices, receipts, and other documents related to your GST-registered business. You may be required to produce these records upon request by the IRAS, so it is important to keep them organized and easily accessible.

Seek advice from a tax professional or the IRAS if you have any questions or concerns about your GST obligations. This will ensure that you are complying with the GST regulations and minimizing the risk of penalties or fines.

Registering for GST in Singapore is a straightforward process that can be completed online using the ESB platform. Remember to:

  • charge the correct GST rate
  • accurately report your GST transactions
  • make GST payments on time.
  • keep accurate and up-to-date records of your GST transactions
  • seek the advice of a tax professional

Meeting your GST responsibilities ensures that your business is operating in compliance with the GST system and minimizes the risk of penalties or fines.

Nicky Minh

CTO and co-founder

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