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Measuring The Advertising Effectiveness Of A Marketing Campaign - 8 Vital Metrics For Marketers

Advertising Metrics

Measuring the advertising effectiveness of a marketing campaign is the foundation for growth marketers. Using ad metrics reasonably, we can determine how well our performance is and what factors it needs to drive better results.

So, how well do you understand the advertising metrics? Explore 8 critical advertising KPIs in this article with Jenfi Capital.

What Are Advertising Metrics?

Advertising Metrics

Advertising metrics, also known as KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), are standards used to measure and track the performance of digital marketing campaigns.

These indicators are measured with exact values. Through that, the marketing team will determine whether their marketing campaign has brought significant results or not. 

With the explosion of social networks, various marketing methods, and many separate tools, advertising channels, and techniques, determining advertising performance metrics is paramount to defining the victory of marketing campaigns.

The Importance Of Using Advertising Metrics 

Advertising Metrics

It is very easy to lose time and money in digital marketing if you do not know clearly your goals. This happens when you use many advertising tools but do not collect and analyze metrics in each stage.

Deploying a series of advertising activities takes up as much financial as human resources. Understanding and managing advertising indicators will help us measure efficiency and use the money wisely.

Advertising metrics also help businesses determine the progress of running marketing campaigns. Also, they help figure out which campaigns are performing well and which ones need to be reevaluated. Eventually, it ensures your company is spending valuable budgets in the right way. 

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According to The CMO Survey, 72% of marketing chiefs said the "importance of marketing" has grown in their companies over the last year, but only 39% rate their strategies as effective.

Digital Marketing takes place on many platforms: Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics or Google Sheet, CRM, etc., and each platform will have different metric standards. If you are doing online marketing campaigns on a few of them, then a good knowledge of ad indicators will help you to maximize your efforts. 

8 Important Advertising Metrics For Any Marketers 

Advertising Metrics

If you want your business' marketing campaigns to be effective, you need to pay close attention to the following 8 KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

ROI - Return On Investment

ROI (Return On Investment) is an indicator that measures the ratio of profits earned to the costs spent on a marketing campaign. In other words, this is the ratio of the profit made to the initial cost of the investment.

ROI is one of the most important KPIs to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. This is strictly the first number that you need to know. This metric helps you measure the sales revenue based on your business's budget.

Almost every effort in marketing campaigns has the final purpose: The craving to increase the profit on the cost spent.

If the positive ROI is high, your marketing campaign is doing well. On the contrary, you need to find the right solution to immediately adjust your marketing campaign.

CPM (Cost Per Mile) – Cost per thousand

CPM (Cost Per Mile) is a metric reflecting the cost per one thousand impressions/ views on an ad. Simply speaking, if the CPM of a particular keyword is $1.00, that means you must pay $1.00 for every 1,000 impressions to show your ads for this keyword.

CPM helps you measure the performance of your campaigns within and across different platforms. For instance, if you want to place an ad banner on website A, but then you discover that website B has more potential, then you can use CPM to make cost comparisons between these media (at both stages: preparing and reviewing stage)

CPL (Cost-per-Lead) – Cost pay for 1 potential customer

CPL (Cost-per-Lead) is a metric that helps measure marketing campaigns' effectiveness based on the leads generated. CPL focuses on the number of potential customers from marketing campaigns. The price per lead depends on the type of strategy you use for each lead generation channel.

Cost Per Lead (CPL) = Total Marketing Spend / Total New Leads 

To achieve the most accurate measurement results, the CPL needs to be combined with other factors affecting the business's profitability. Cost per lead enables you to set the sales goals, calculate potential ROI, and determine advertising budgets.

CR – Conversion Rate

CR can be understood as the conversion rate from visitors to customers. CR is critical because it allows you to lower your customer acquisition costs by getting more value from the visitors and users you already have. 

For example, if you need $1,000 to double your website traffic at the CR of 2.5%, but you only need $500 to improve the CR from 2.5% to 5%, then the second choice makes more sense.

CRR – Customer Retention Rate

CRR is an indispensable advertising measurement indicator to evaluate whether a marketing strategy is successful or not in many ways.

Customer retention measures how successful a company is at acquiring new customers and how successful they are at satisfying existing customers. It also increases ROI, boosts loyalty, and brings in new customers.

If the CRR is higher, your campaign is well enough to satisfy your customers and vice versa.

RR (Run Rate) – Goal achievement rate

RR (Run Rate) is an indicator that reflects the speed of completing the goal of the entire campaign compared to the original overall plan. RR helps marketers identify precisely how much budget they have spent to accomplish a part of a goal. Then, decide to add a method to accelerate or maintain the growth momentum.

CLV – Customer Lifetime Value 

CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) is an indicator that reflects the lifetime value. In other words, this indicator tells you how much profit a customer will bring to you over their lifetime.

CLV analysis helps businesses see which marketing activities are the most useful in bringing in the best customers.

Customers' economic value is not just in 1-time purchases. It lasts as long as they are buying from your company. Knowing CLV, companies can determine which customer groups will bring the most value to the company, which products customers want the most, and then fine-tune the company's effort to retain these high-value customers.

Social Media Reach

Marketing through social networking platforms has solid viral power. If you have creative ideas that drive customer actions, the cost of social marketing is insignificant compared to the potential results.

Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest have very high conversion rates. Using Social Media Reach metrics helps businesses measure how effectively social media contributes to online conversion rates.

In addition to these indicators, you also need to pay attention to others, such as Impression (Display Index), CTR (click-through rate); CPC (Cost per click); CAC (Cost of finding customers), etc.

Important Notices In Measuring Digital Marketing Campaigns

Advertising Metrics

Do not be complacent with "appealing" indicators

Marketing is the overall combination of many different activities. Sometimes, the indicator is stunning, but in reality, the effect it brings is trivial. Without experience in analyzing metrics, businesses are easily misinterpreted that their campaigns are running well, but the results obtained do not bring considerable impacts.

For example, a low CPL is great, but it does not mean that the potential leads can be converted into actual buyers. It just means how much money you are getting leads, and there will be many further activities to bring these leads to qualified customers.

Break down your goals into phases

An overall marketing campaign will be divided into several stages. Each stage can be organized into a small campaign. It is necessary to clearly define the overall goals and the sub-goals for each stage.

Selecting a reliable data source to measure marketing effectiveness

Many social networking platforms allow running digital ads, such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Google Ads, Google Analytics, etc. These channels have different ways of calculating metrics.

Because of the data source, each channel's metrics are different. If your business is running on Omni-channels, you need to find an experienced marketer to measure the effectiveness of your marketing in the most accurate way.

Limit the use of unnecessary data 

With a massive amount of data available with a few clicks, marketers need to determine which metrics their business is interested in. Which metrics matter to which campaign.

Regularly checking the metrics in the overview report will give you an accurate view of the status of your marketing campaign.

Choosing the right metrics really matters in digital marketing. We hope this article's information on advertising metrics will reconcile your marketing efforts and the available budgets to reach the maximal results. 

Nicky Minh

CTO and co-founder

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Seven Strategies For Business Owners To Run Low-Cost Advertisements

Low-Cost Advertisements

Marketing campaigns play a critical role in brand positioning and a company's success or failure. Big brands are now spending a lot of money on marketing campaigns and expect the best results. Is there a way for business owners to run cheaper ads for their marketing campaigns? 

Seven Strategies to help business owners run low-cost advertisements

Low-Cost Advertisements

Here are seven tips to help business owners run low-cost ads and optimize marketing campaign costs. These suggestions are appropriate for both startups and SMEs.

Social Media Marketing: Marketing via social networking sites

If you survey today's digital gurus, 95 percent of the experts will say, "Social network is the most effective marketing channel today."

Social media platforms with many users and interactions, such as Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram, Gmail, Blog, Twitter, and others, have become essential in people's digital lives.

 Facebook currently has about 3 billion users, Instagram has 800 million users, and Twitter has reached 300 million. This figure is bound to rise.

Therefore, don't pass up the chance to run low-cost ads on this platform.

Social media marketing, in particular, has the potential to generate powerful viral effects— going beyond space and distance.

Social media marketing is a cost-effective and practical solution. You can run an ad campaign of short videos at a bargain cost.

The greatest strength of social media marketing is the spreading speed. When a single user is influenced, it can significantly affect many customers, their relatives, and friends.

The most significant advantage of using social media platforms in marketing is providing a massive and intricate user database.

Marketers can learn about their customers' preferences for products or brands, how frequently they visit a website, how much they are willing to pay, and their customer's priorities and consumption habits by conducting surveys or observing user behavior. 

Then they can determine the number of potential customers and design appropriate communication approaches.

Social media marketing is also an excellent way to build and maintain customer relationships.

You can create a company's fan page, a community group or a hashtag, etc., to build a community of brand supporters. You also can help or advise in answering questions and promoting more remarketing.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization - optimization of search tools, unquestionably one of the center activities in online marketing.

While traditional marketing can distract and attract customers, SEO is more sustainable as this approach relies on search keywords to direct users to websites.

SEO can generate a large number of customer leads. When you optimize SEO, the credibility of your website skyrockets, as does your company's reputation. 

Content Marketing

Content marketing is also one of the best ways SMEs can use to run low-cost advertising campaigns.

You may choose creative, trending content to market your products to the market.

Marketers using content Marketing should assume that potential customers will be interested in their products due to "curiosity," this can help to boost the conversion rate to a higher level. These potential customers will then move from the "curious stage" to the "desire to discover more stage" if your content appeals enough.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is a huge trend now, happening across many platforms such as Tik Tok, YouTube, and Facebook platforms.

Statistics figured out that users are spending up to 1 billion hours on YouTube every day. This figure is multiple times higher than Tik Tok and Facebook. The potential for growth in video marketing is undeniable.

The best part of it is that video marketing is not expensive. The original idea and unique presentation are what set you apart from others. 

A good tip in making videos for marketing is using stock footage to cut the cost, and using short-length videos can help you save tons of money. You should then upload the video directly to the company's social media accounts or free social media.

Video marketing is unquestionably one of the most cost-effective advertising methods for businesses in the golden age of streaming marketing.

Banners ads marketing

Banners ad is a traditional marketing strategy that is still useful today.

A well-designed banner strongly affects your potential customers. You will entice the customers to enter your store by using a great design banner with a meaningful slogan and CTA sentences.

Banners ads can also help in branding without breaking your wallet. You invest one time and can use it for a long time. In the long run, this is also one of the most affordable advertising options that leave a lasting impression on customers.

Partnership marketing

The explosion of social media has led to the development of partnership marketing, happening between brands and brands, or brands and KOCs.

Marketing collaboration between two brands allows both to access each other's customers and takes advantage of other benefits: such as distribution network, infrastructure, or brand identity.

An example of this strategy is brand sponsorships for popular TV shows and game shows.

When the MC introduces a game show and mentions sponsors, it is a marketing collaboration.

When visiting restaurants, shopping malls, etc., you will also see logos of delivery Apps such as Grab, Gojek, and Now. It's also called co-marketing.

Partnership marketing uses both parties' marketing resources for mutual benefit, which is one of the low-cost advertising options for companies looking for cost-effective solutions for their marketing campaigns.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most affordable and cost-effective forms of advertising that has existed. While many companies have exploited their email lists to convert general audiences to customers, many are still leaving email marketing on the table.

With email marketing, you can easily impress potential customers and build long-lasting relationships with them in a direct way. A great way is using automated mailing tools to send general emails such as: thank you emails, successful transaction notification emails, payment reminder emails, promotions emails, etc., to save the effort. With personalized emails, you need to have a great writer to write impactful, highly converting emails to cater to the need of each potential customer group. 

These days, a lot of e-commerce sites are doing an excellent job with this type of low-cost advertising. Email marketing is affordable, yet the conversion rate is worth using.

A remarkable notice when running an email marketing strategy is that you should personalize the sent emails. 

In other words, different customer segments should receive distinct content which gives a more professional impression and makes customers feel more valued than mass alike emails.

Furthermore, statistics show that emails with business domains are frequently rated higher than personal emails.

Don't pass up running this low-cost advertisement while it's cheap and effective.

Suggestions For Lowering Marketing Costs

After each marketing campaign, many businesses expect to optimize costs to maximize ROI (Return on Investment). It would be best to keep the following things in mind to ensure that your overall marketing campaign is successful.

Optimize advertisement delivery

Before developing a marketing strategy, you need to analyze the data gathered thoroughly. 

It would help if you first determine your target audience, including demographic details like age, gender, income, purchasing habits, etc. The more information you have, the more detailed your plan will be.

The more specific the target audience is, the more targeted the campaign can be. This aids in avoiding financial waste and cutting the cost for non-targeted audiences.

In addition, regularly reviewing the ads' performance allows you to understand the insight and adjust the target to reach your potential customers at the lowest cost.

Identify the right potential customers

Identifying the right potential customers is a critical skill in marketing. No company wants to waste money advertising products to people who don't need them.

Take advantage of marketing trends

Creativity is always an essential factor in marketing. Those who have the latest, better impressive ways of acquiring customers will be the ones to attract more customers.





Nicky Minh

CTO and co-founder

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Five Tips To Help Business Owners Run Low-Cost Marketing Campaigns

low cost ads

Digital marketing has evolved into one of the most beneficial tools for businesses. Digital marketing technologies improve corporate performance while also assisting in developing brands. Paid advertising tools are constantly changing to meet the needs of reaching target customers on social interaction platforms. So, how can businesses use low-cost advertising to boost their bottom line?

The Primary Purpose Of Running Advertisements

low cost ads

First, businesses must understand why they need to run advertisements. As previously stated, the goal of running ads will typically fall into one of two categories: business performance and/or branding.

  • Running performance-based ads will include promotional activities directly aimed at increasing revenue. These marketing activities will have a direct impact on the sales team.
  • Brand advertising will include activities that increase brand awareness, brand identity, or brand sentiment on social media channels. These activities are often planned and are linked to the business's branding strategy.

What exactly is low-cost advertising?

low cost ads

Running cheap ads is defined as running ads so that the cost per result from the ad is as low as possible. 

There are various ways to measure an advertising campaign depending on its goal. When it comes to business performance advertising, the metrics to keep in mind are typically CPL (cost per lead), CPI (cost per installation), CPC (cost per customer), and CIR. (cost to income ratio). 

Meanwhile, brand development ads will be measured by CPR (cost per reach), CPE (cost per engagement),... or other interaction metrics.

Tips to help business owners run low-cost advertisements

low cost ads

Investigate and select the most cost-effective advertising channel

Currently, all advertising providers allow for multi-platform and multi-channel campaigns. Every company should take the time to learn about the benefits of advertising providers and the advantages and disadvantages of the tools they provide. Businesses can then plan to select appropriate advertising channels. In running advertisements, companies will save a lot of money if they do their research ahead of time.

Advertising content optimization

Each type of advertising will allow you to create unique content. Here are some examples of what might appear on your ad:

  • Text: Include all editable text, such as titles, headers, and paragraphs
  • Icons: Include signs that demonstrate nuance and draw attention to your article.
  • Image: Consists of purposefully designed static and animated images consistent with advertising objectives.
  • Videos: These are short videos.

Optimizing advertising content requires businesses to see their target customers and what message they want to convey to them and build content accordingly. Companies must harmoniously combine the elements above to form a complete advertisement to achieve this.

Sort and optimize the target customer database

Customers' consumption habits will differ depending on their demographic characteristics. As a result, businesses must tailor their advertisements to each distinct audience segment. Categorizing and continuously optimizing customer files will assist companies in recognizing differences in their purchasing behavior and developing a plan to build content accordingly. Here are some common demographic factors that advertising tools frequently allow businesses to optimize:

  • Age 
  • Gender 
  • Location
  • Interests
  • Behavior 

Avoid technical blunders

You might not realize it, but advertising tools always require time to optimize ads, even if you are the creator and directly run them. 

Typically, your ads will be delivered to the most targeted customers within half a day of going live. So, you'll have to spend time and money editing and rerunning another ad for every technical error.

Analyze and improve ad campaigns regularly

As previously stated, the ad running process is complicated by numerous factors. As a result, businesses must constantly monitor and analyze their advertising campaigns' effectiveness to maximize the cost per dollar spent.

Platforms That Allow For The Running Of Low-Cost Advertisements 

low cost ads

There are currently many social platforms that allow paid advertisements to be placed. The most well-known are Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Zalo Ads, Coc Coc Ads, and the newcomer Tiktok Ads. As a result, each platform offers a unique set of advertising options.

Facebook Ads is an advertising service offered by the social networking platform Facebook, which has over 1.9 billion daily visitors. Facebook allows advertisers to reach users through a variety of channels, including the News Feed, Messenger, Videos, Stories, and cost per impression (CPM). Furthermore, Facebook owns the social network Instagram and allows advertising on both platforms.

Google Ads: This is an advertising service available to all users of the search page, which is an effective advertising channel because the users have some demand for the product/service. Unlike Facebook, Google Ads uses a cost-per-click (CPC) billing model, which means businesses only pay when someone clicks on their ad. Furthermore, Google Ads allows display advertising on other Google social platforms such as YouTube or affiliated websites.

Zalo Ads: Like Google Ads, Zalo Ads is a cost-per-click (CPC). Currently, Zalo Ads is not an effective advertising tool compared to the two giants mentioned above. Still, in the future, Zalo Ads may be able to capitalize on the potential of some new channels because Zalo has the advantage of owning a phone number.

Tiktok Ads: As a rising star in the advertising industry, the Tiktok social network is rapidly expanding. Tiktok, launched in 2016, now has over 1 billion visitors per day and is still growing, making it a fertile ground for advertisers. Tiktok Ads currently charges for cost per 1000 impressions (CPM).

Ads are now almost an essential part of any business. With the numerous advantages that online advertising provides, every company should devise a strategy for making the best use of advertising. However, this is still a cost-effective method of increasing efficiency, so businesses must focus on the appropriate use of financial resources and continuous improvement to achieve advertising effectiveness. Remember that running cheap ads means the lowest cost per result from the ad, not the least amount of money.

Nicky Minh

CTO and co-founder

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